I've always been a big fan of Mario Boone's catalogs and thoroughly enjoy every one I get. Unfortunately, I don't often have a lot of lead time to get the word out.

Numerous certificates represent North American railroads. I've already spotted a previously unrecorded bond-
sized scrip certificate from Canada. There are 60 lots from North American railroads. As expected, there are quite a few familiar faces, but advanced collectors will spot several that are seen very infrequently.
Among those are items like an 1889 stock certificate from the Utah Midland Railway. There were only 2500 shares authorized, and Mario is offering #9 for 494 shares.
Some railroad specialists only collect certificates from actual operating companies, but even they will be attracted to a fine example of a stock certificate from the Union Railroad Safety Gate Company. While not horribly rare, these certificates are so attractive that they always find ready buyers. I'm guessing this one will see a good sale price.
Another serious rarity is an 1863 bond of the West Hoboken & Hoboken Passenger Railway Co. It's always hard to predict sales of early bonds like this. Sometimes they go for a lot of money; sometimes they don't. I'll be very interested in the behavior of this item.
The more I look, the more I see that I'm sure will interest my readers: an 1870 bond from Selma & Gulf Railroad. An 1889 bond from the Piedmont Cable Company. An 1892 stock from Pueblo City Railway, etc.

Included in the sale is a special collection of notable items that Mario has separated into a second catalog titled the Golden Jubilee Auction. While primarily consisting of world rarities, the catalog still includes a few rail-related pieces from North America.
As far as I am concerned, the "biggie" that overshadows all the other lots is a bail bond issued against Jay Gould and and signed by both Jay Gould and Erastus Corning. This is an incredible piece of American corporate history representing the culmination of the Erie Wars between Gould, Fisk and Commodore Vanderbilt. (Gould was arrested in Albany, NY in 1868 upon Vanderbilt's insistence and Gould immediately produced the $500,000 bail!). Boone's minimum start price is 12,000 Euros. Oh, boy! What will this thing sell for?